Dr. Edward Makwarimba is a social scientist with a BScHons, MA and PhD in Sociology and a MSc in Health Promotion. He has over 10 years’ experience working with a diverse range of immigrants and refugees on issues affecting their social, physical, and mental well-being. His vast experience encompasses designing programs that tackle exclusionary structures and processes that negatively affect refugees and immigrants, and other marginalized groups.
He was the Co-Director of the SocialSupport Research Program(University of Alberta, 2001-2011), where he worked to promote the health of vulnerable populations including immigrants, refugees, homeless youths, low-income groups-to name a few-focusing on key determinants of health, and reducing health disparities and social inequities.
Dr. Makwarimba has also worked for Albert Health Services as a senior research and evaluation consultant, and the lead scientist (workplace and community) designing and monitoring programs to promote health, well-being, and a sense of belonging among workers and rural communities in Alberta.
He has written numerous reports and academic papers with recommendations geared towards engaging communities and translating knowledge to varied external stakeholders on progressive inclusionary and equity policies. He has over 15 years’ experience partnering and collaborating with varied ethno-cultural community members and organizations serving newcomers and other disadvantaged populations.
Refereed Journal Articles
Stewart, M.J., Kushner, K.E., Dennis, C., Kariwo, M., Letourneau, N.L., Makumbe, K., Makwarimba, E. & Shizha, E. (2017). Social support needs and preferences of Sudanese and Zimbabwean refugee new parents in Canada. International Journal of Migration, Health, and Social Care, 13(2): 234-252. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMHSC-07-2014-0028
Stewart, M., Makwarimba, E., Letourneau, N., Kushner, K., Spitzer, D., Dennis, C-L., & Shizha, E. (2015). Impacts of a support intervention for Zimbabwe and Sudanese refugee parents: “I am not alone.” Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 47(4): 113-140(28).
Stewart, M., Dennis, C-L., Kariwo, M., Kushner, K., Letourneau, N., Makumbe, M., Makwarimba, E., & Shizha, E. (2014). Challenges faced by refugee new parents from Africa in Canada. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. DOI: 10.1007/S10903-014-0062-3
Makwarimba, E., Stewart, M., Simich, L., Makumbe, K., Shizha, E., & Anderson, S. (2014). Sudanese and Somali refugees in Canada: Social support needs and intervention preferences. International Migration, 51(5): 106-119. doi: 10.1111/imig.12116.
Suter, E., Deutschlander, S., Makwarimba, E., Wilhelm, A., Jackson, K., & Woodhead Lyons, S. (2014). Workforce utilization in three continuing care facilities. Health Sociology Review, 23 (1), Special Issue, Longevity: Sociological perspectives on health, illness and service provision. http://hsr.e-contentmanagement.com/archives/vol/23/issue/1/article/5377/workforce-utilization-in-three-continuing-care
Makwarimba, E, Stewart, M., Simich, L., Makumbe, K., Shizha, E., & Anderson, S. (2013). Sudanese and Somali Refugees in Canada: Social Support Needs and Preferences. International Migration, doi:10.1111/imig.12116
Stewart, M., & Shizha, E., Makwarimba, E., Spritzer, D., Khalema, E.N., Nsaliwa, C. D. (2011) Challenges and barriers to services for immigrant seniors in Canada: “You are among others but you feel alone.” International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 7(1): 16-32.
Stewart, M., Simich, L., Shizha, E., Makumbe, K., Makwarimba, E. (2012). Supporting African refugees in Canada: Insights from a support intervention. Health & Social Care in the Community, 20(5), 516-527.
Stewart, M., Simich, L., Beiser, M., Makumbe, K., Makwarimba, E., Shizha, E., Anderson, S. (2011). Impacts of a social support intervention for Somali and Sudanese refugees in Canada. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care, 4(4), 186-199.
Stewart, M.J.; K.E. Kushner; E. Makwarimba, D. Spitzer, N.L. Letourneau, L. Greaves, M. Boscoe (2010). There’s a Way Out for Me: Insights from Support Intervention for Low-income Women Who Smoke. Women’s health and urban life, 9(2), pp. 42-63.
Stewart, M., Makwarimba, E., Beiser, M., Neufeld, A., Simich, P., & Spitzer, D. (2010) Social support and health: Immigrants’ and refugees’ perspectives. Diversity in Health and Care. 7 (2), 91-103.
Stewart, M., Reutter, L., Letourneau, N., Makwarimba, E., & Hungler, K. (2010, April) Supporting homeless youth: perspectives and preferences. Journal of Poverty. 14 (2) 145-165.
Anderson, J.M., Reimer, J., Khan, K.B., Simich, L., Neufeld, A., Stewart, M. Makwarimba, E. (2010). Narratives of “dissonance” and “repositioning” Through the lens of critical humanism Exploring the Influences on immigrants' and refugees' health and well-being. Advances in Nursing Science. 33(2), 101-12.
Stewart, M., Makwarimba, E., Reutter, L., Veenstra, G., Raphael, D., Love, R., & McMurray, S. (2009) Poverty, sense of belonging and experiences of social isolation. Journal of Poverty, 13(2), 173-195.
Stewart, M., Letourneau, N., Reutter, L., Makwarimba, E. & Hungler, K (2009). A support intervention to promote health and coping among homeless youths. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research,41(2), 55-77
Reutter, L., Stewart, M., Raphael, D., Love, R., Makwarimba, E. (2009) Who do they think we are, anyway? Perceptions and responses to poverty stigma. Qualitative Health Research, 19(3), 297-311.
Stewart, M., Reutter, L., Makwarimba, E., Veenstra, G., Love, R., & Raphael, D. (2008). Left-out: Experiences of exclusion and inclusion among low-income people, Health Sociology Review, 17(1), 78-94.
Stewart, M., Anderson, J., Beiser, M., Makwarimba, E., Neufeld, A., Simich, L. & Spitzer, S. (2008) Multicultural meanings of social support among immigrants and refugees International Migration, 46(93), 123-159.
Stewart, M., Makwarimba, E., Barnfather, A., Letourneau, N., & Neufeld, A. (2008) Researching reducing health disparities: Mixed methods approaches. Social Sciences and Medicine, 66, 1406-1417.
Stewart, M., Makwarimba, E., Barnfather, A., Reutter, L., Letourneau, N., & Hungler, K. (2007) Promoting the health of vulnerable populations: Collaborative research strategies. Diversity in Health and Social Care, 4 (1), 33-48.
Stewart, M., Makwarimba, E., Barnfather, A., Reutter, L., Letourneau, N., & Hungler, K. (2007) Promoting the health of vulnerable populations: Collaborative research strategies. Diversity in Health and Social Care, 4 (1), 33-48.
Stewart, M., Neufeld, A., Harrison, M.J., Spitzer, D., Hughes, K. & Makwarimba, E. (2006) Immigrant women family caregivers in Canada: Implications for policies and programs in health and social sectors. Health and Social Care in the Community, 14, 329-340.
Reutter, L., Veenstra, G., Stewart, M., Raphael, D., Love, R., Makwarimba, E., McMurray, S. (2006). Public attributions for poverty in Canada. The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 43(1), 1-22.
Williamson, D., Stewart, M., Hayward, K., Letourneau, N., Makwarimba, E., Masuda, J., Raine, K., Reutter, L., Rootman, I., & Wilson, D. (2006). Low-income Canadians' experiences with health-related services: Implications for health care reform. Health Policy, 76, 106-121.
Reutter, L., Veenstra, G., Stewart, M., Raphael, D., Love, R., Makwarimba, E., & McMurray, S. (2005). Lay understandings of the effects of poverty: A Canadian perspective. Health and Social Care in the Community, 13(6), 514-530.
Simich, L., Beiser, M., Stewart, M., & Makwarimba, E. (2005). Providing social support for immigrants and refugees in Canada: Challenges and directions. Journal of Immigrant Health, 7 (4), 259-268.
Stewart, M., Reutter, L., Makwarimba, E., Rootman, I., Williamson, D., Raine, K., Wilson, D., Fast, J., Love, R., McFall, S., Shorten, D., Letourneau, N., Hayward, K., Masuda, J. & Rutakumwa, W. (2005) Determinants of health service use by low-income people. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 37(3), 104-131.
Book Chapters
Makwarimba, E., Stewart, M., Jones, Z., Jones, Z., Makumbe, K., Shizha, E., & Spitzer, D. (Oct. 2010) "Senior immigrants’ support needs and preferences of support intervention programs". In D. Durst and M. MacLean (Eds.). Diversity in aging among immigrant seniors in Canada: Changing faces and graying Temples. Calgary, AB: Delselig Enterprises Ltd, Montreal. (Refereed)
Stewart, M., Barnfather, A., & Makwarimba, E. (2004) Social determinants of health: Social supports and vulnerable groups. In The Social Sciences and Humanities in Health Research: A Canadian Snapshot of Fields of Study and Innovative Approaches to Understanding and Addressing Health Issues. SSHRC and CIHR. (Refereed)
Makwarimba, E. & Vincent, L. 2004 "Job Satisfaction and The Organisational Lifeworlds of Extension Workers in Irrigation in Manicaland," in P. Hebinck & M F C Boudillon Institutions in Irrigation Practice, Vageningen University/University of Zimbabwe Publications: Harare. (Refereed)
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